Quite often I need to setup a computer to connect to my Git provider, in my case Github. The steps are easy enough though. For other Git providers the steps should be similar.
Install a Git client
Of course we need a Git client. Install one manually from https://git-scm.com/download/gui/windows for example.
Or if you are using chocolatey, run this.
choco install git
Git base configuration
Let’s setup a base configuration for Git.
git config --global user.name "<your name goes here>"
git config --global user.email "<your email address goes here>"
git config --global push.default simple
git config --global pull.rebase true
git config --global core.autocrlf input
These settings are stored in the file .gitconfig
in your user folder. The user folder for Windows is c:\users\<user>\
, for Linux this is /home/user
Go here for more information about customizing you Git configuration.
Create a keypair
We need an ssh keypair to connect to GitHub. If you don’t already have a pair you need to create one.
You can enter a passphrase for your key or just press enter for no passphrase. This command creates 2 files in the folder .ssh
in your user folder. The files are id_rsa
and id_rsa.pub
Open the file id_rsa.pub
, its contents should look like this:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCoZlYxAdDmfcjnwiKyyTceK2ldPsV2KzG3EEDy9o8a7f7GiKfNpM/U3ZN4eFHK8DUoHlG+GGmKjvJ207VPsUQK0obi/7snaPu19m1wcoqnluaY2jcsTSiIHBFn+aVDWKNhc+UzbjZ+zFcHKqF0NIr1HaEpz4RV0N19UeyiIeqX7RpamkQX1MBTAHbQcBFB6eHJte9iWOpmMBmNManvU0rSZYWmdQzvK8+SFfHFB/93K1Cl4MLwG6gRfqGCmwgGmUiSgzG48uBa8N+cQCJie6ikbkKPV109kGVsnufx1kF/ka5/cgaABaxsKBXVxnpojUsFI1E6jS8lM5VZW32K23rB sven@PC-Sven
Configure GitHub to accept your public key
Browse to GitHub, click your avatar and choose Settings
Click New SSH key
Add a title and copy the contents of id_rsa.pub
in the Key
Click Add SSH key
Type your password to confirm.
The key is added to the list of SSH keys.
Tests your SSH connection to GitHub
ssh -T [email protected]